Merging my layout with Debrecen – Nyíregyháza layout (only in TS12):
1. Load the default session, and save the layout and the default
session under a different name.
2. Load the default session of the layout Debrecen-Nyíregyháza
(called: Learning the line). Delete all the rolling stock and
session rules. Rename the route and session layer, and delete the
following baseboards: Save it into a new route and session.
3. Load the layout Miskolc – Nyíregyháza (which was saved under a
different name), and merge your customized Debrecen-Nyíregyháza
4. In the popup window, step up 29 tiles, and step right while the
baseboards of the two layout meet:
Merge the session layers. The default settings will remain on both
layout parts (e.g. name of junctions, signals, etc.). Save your job. The result is a 160 km long layout from Miskolc to Debrecen. Enjoy!
BigTom |