00 - Default

This is the default session.
Every new session is based on this session.
It doesn’t contain rolling stock, it contain only the proper naming and settings of junctions, signals.

If you wish to make your own session or modifying the layout, please make it in this session.

Be careful!!
If you modify the track objects (e.g. triggers, trackmarks), it can result incorrect behavior.


01 – Learning the line

This is the introduction session. You don’t have to do anything, just see as AI drives your train. In this session you can receive a lot of info from the line.

You can see the positions of signals and speed limits. You can see where to begin to push the break and where to stop with your train. You will receive details and info in popup windows.

I strongly recommend you to watch this session.

Time: 1:52
Driven length: 90km


02 – Passenger train No.5110

Your task is to navigate the passenger train No.5110 to Nyíregyháza. This is an easy session you will find yourself in the loco, you don’t have to use the locomotive shed.

Timetable is available via the info-point.
You will receive “Clear” signs by the signals only, when you must leave the station by the timetable.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 80/90 km/h (default 80 km/h, but if you feel that you are in late, it can be 90 km/h)
You must stop at all the stations and stops.

Time: 1:42
Driven length: 88 km
Difficulty level: easy


03 - IC569 Tokaj

Your task for today is to navigate IC569 Tokaj InterCity train from Nyíregyháza to Miskolc.
The train arrives from Debrecen. After it stops, You must change the loco driver.
Try to keep the timetable.

Surprise can happen!

Always close the timetable window!
It always appears when you stop at a station.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 120/120 km/h

Time: 1:07
Driven length: 88 km
Difficulty level: medium


04 – A turn to Szerencs

Your task for today is a turn from Miskolc to Szerencs and back.
You will begin your task in the loco shed, coming out from the depot, and push your train to the station.

Drive to Szerencs and run around your train and come back to Miskolc.

Directions of the turnouts automatic.

Timetable is available via the info-point.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 80/90 km/h (default 80 km/h, but if you feel that you are in late, it can be 90 km/h)
You must stop at all the stations and stops.

Time: 1:43
Driven length: 82km
Difficulty level: medium


05 - Passenger train No.5125

Your task is to navigate the passenger train No.5125 from Nyíregyháza to Miskolc.

At the end of the session in Miskolc, decouple your loco and navigate to the electrified rail end. After it, your session finishes.
(You will receive “Clear” sign to the rail end at 16:32)

Directions of the turnouts automatic.

Timetable is available via the info-point.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 80/90 km/h (default 80 km/h, but if you feel that you are in late, it can be 90 km/h)
You must stop at all the stations and stops.

Time: 1:43
Driven length: 88 km
Difficulty level: medium


06 - IC566 Rózsa

Your task is to navigate IC566 Rózsa from Miskolc to Nyíregyháza, which operates between Budapest-Keleti and Budapest-Nyugati station..

Timetable is available via the info-point.

Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 120/120 km/h

Time: 1:05
Driven length: 88 km
Difficulty level: easy



07 – Szerencs - again

Your task for today is a new round to Szerencs. Your train is a BZmot trainset.

Vmax of your train: 80/80 km/h

Time: 1:55
Driven length: 82 km
Difficulty level: medium


08 - IC563 Takta

Your task is simple. You must navigate IC563 Takta from Nyíregyháza to Miskolc. When you have arrived to Miskolc, push your train to the passenger yard, decouple your train and navigate to the loco-depot.

Timetable is available via the info-point.

Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 120/120 km/h

Time: 1:13
Driven length: 90 km
Difficulty level: easy



09 - Passenger train No.5115

Your task is to navigate the passenger train No.5115 from Nyíregyháza to Miskolc.

Directions of the turnouts automatic.

Timetable is available via the info-point.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 80/90 km/h (default 80 km/h, but if you feel that you are in late, it can be 90 km/h)
You must stop at all the stations and stops.

Time: 1:43
Driven length: 87 km
Difficulty level: medium


10 - Passenger train No.5123

Your task is to navigate the passenger train No.5115 to Miskolc in the evening.
Difficulties: written commands slow signs, delays! Try to keep the timetable.

Directions of the turnouts automatic.

Timetable is available via the info-point.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 80/90 km/h (default 80 km/h, but if you feel that you are in late, it can be 90 km/h)
You must stop at all the stations and stops.

Time: 1:43
Driven length: 87 km
Difficulty level: medium



11 - Passenger train No.5128

Your task is to navigate the passenger train No.5128 to Nyíregyháza in the evening.

Directions of the turnouts automatic.

Timetable is available via the info-point.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train: 80/90 km/h (default 80 km/h, but if you feel that you are in late, it can be 90 km/h)
You must stop at all the stations and stops.

Time: 1:56
Driven length: 91 km
Difficulty level: medium


12 – Support at Miskolc-Tiszai station

Your task is station support at Miskolc-Tiszai station.
Sorting passenger trains and serving the local industrial tracks.

Time: 2:50
Driven length: 31 km
Difficulty level: hard


13 - PFT service

You will have tasks with the TVG trainset between Hernádnémeti and Tokaj.

Time: 1:10
Driven length: 42 km
Difficulty level: easy


14 – Freight yard service

Your job is for today is sorting freight trains on the freight yard. You will be required to use the hump yard.

Time: 5:40
Driven length: 63 km
Difficulty level: hard


15 - Locomotive depot yard service

Your task for today is sorting locos at the depot.

Time: 1:08
Driven length: 7 km
Difficulty level: easy


16 – Multiple loco driving

Today's mission is for serving the summer Lake Balaton coastal traffic, you must gather type M41 diesels (called "Csörgő") and start them to Budapest.

There are 4 locos in Nyíregyháza and 2-2 locos in Szerencs and Miskolc.

Time: 2:12
Driven length: 100 km
Difficulty level: medium


17 – Supporting Felsőzsolca

Today, you must serve the industrial lines in Felsőzsolca.

Time: 3:11
Driven length: 39 km
Difficulty level: hard


18 – Freight train No.13021-2

Your mission for today is navigating a freight train to Nyíregyháza.

Time: 2:23
Driven length: 93 km
Difficulty level: medium


19 – Freight train No.12062-5

Your mission for today is navigating a freight train to Nyíregyháza.
Pay attention for the signals and the speed signs.

Vmax of your train is 60 km/h maximum.

Time: 1:30
Driven length: 50 km
Difficulty level: easy


20 – Transporting crushed limestone

Today’s task is transporting and unloading crushed limestone on stations between Szerencs and Miskolc.

Time: 1:45
Driven length: 46 km
Difficulty level: easy


21 – Pushing servcie

There are catenary maintenance works on Taktaharkány station.
You must help the arriving passenger trains pushing them where the catenary wire is under tension.

You will receive instructions in popup windows.

Time: 1:41
Driven length: 58 km
Difficulty level: hard


22 - Nostalgia

Today’s task is to navigate a nostalgia train from Miskolc to Tokaj to the wine festival.

You will begin your service in Miskolc in the locomotive depot, at the fuel point. You must collect the cars then you can start your journey to Tokaj.
When you arrive to Szerencs, you must let go scheduled trains first, and then continue your journey.

Time: 1:30
Driven length: 60 km
Difficulty level: easy


23 - Borsodi Brewery

Today’s mission is serving Borsodi Brewery.
You will arrive from Szerencs to the scene by a pre-carriage locomotive.

You must unload the cereal cars and loading the empty cars with beer.

Time: 4:00
Driven length: 54 km
Difficulty level: hard


24 – Locomotive Parade

Today’s mission is dispatching locos to Szerencs to the Locomotive Parade to show them.


Vmax of your train is 70 km/h maximum

Time: 2:45
Driven length: 56 km
Difficulty level: medium


25 - Shunting freight train to Szerencs

Today’s mission is collecting commodities and wagons on the stations and loading points and transporting them to Szerencs.

Time: 3:20
Driven length: 70 km
Difficulty level: medium


26 – Freight train No.120103

Your task is easy. You must navigate a night freight train from Nyíregyháza to Miskolc.

Time: 1:23
Driven length: 86 km
Difficulty level: easy


27 – Freight train No.120112

Today’s job is navigating freight train No.120112 from Miskolc freight yard to Nyíregyháza.

Time: 2:10
Driven length: 89 km
Difficulty level: easy


28 – Standby service in Szerencs

Today, you have standby service in Szerencs.

Time: 3:40
Driven length: 33 km
Difficulty level: hard


29 – Railway renovation

There will be complex railway renovation between Mezőzombor and Nyíregyháza.
You must transport and unload concrete sleepers and rails at the stations.
You will receive instructions in popup windows.

Time: 3:15
Driven length: 91 km
Difficulty level: hard


30 – Transformer shipment

Today, you have to deliver 2 transformers and its utility to Szerencs and then you must unload them.

Time: 1:55
Driven length: 58 km
Difficulty level: medium


31 - Tarcal quarry

Today’s task is serving the quarry in Tarcal. You will use the loco M43-1006.

The remaining raw material has been extracted from the mine which is no longer used. You must load two trains with raw materials.

Time: 3:00
Driven length: 41 km
Difficulty level: hard


32 – Sugar carrots 1

The sugar carrots season has begun.
Your task will be collecting the sugar carrots at the countryside stations at the area of Szerencs, transporting the carrots and delivering empty cars to the stations.

You will receive instructions in popup windows.
Vmax of your train is 80 km/h maximum.

Time: 2:38
Driven length: 78 km
Difficulty level: hard


33 - Sugar carrots 2

Your task will be navigating a freight train (loaded with sugar carrots) from Miskolc to Szerencs. Also, when you arrive to a station, you must collect other wagons too.

Vmax of your train is 80 km/h maximum.

Time: 2:10
Driven length: 57 km
Difficulty level: hard


34 – Rail freight

Today, you must transport cars loaded with rails to Szerencs.
Your train will arrive soon, you must change the loco driver.

Vmax of your train is 80 km/h maximum, and 20 km/h if you must use turnout directions.

You will have some extra job in Szerencs.

Time: 1:23
Driven length: 42 km
Difficulty level: medium


35 – Car transport

A freight train arrives; you must navigate it to Nyíregyháza. Your journey will be calm until Szerencs, but after Szerencs, the jam begins…

Vmax of your train is 80 km/h maximum.

Time: 2:07
Driven length: 89 km
Difficulty level: medium


36 - Standby service in Nyíregyháza

Today, you have standby service in Nyíregyháza.

Time: 2:25
Driven length: 27 km
Difficulty level: medium


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Hungary 10.11.2014